Wednesday, April 25, 2007

home away from home

I used to think that there was not life outside of a Starbucks. When I was in grad school, I lived at the Starbucks on campus. Not so much for the bevvys, but for the big blue comfy chairs they had in there. On days I had 5pm seminars, I would plunk myself into one of those chairs at 9am and read a whole book and prep for the evening's class.

I never went to other coffeehouses - and have always been a Starbucks junkie - even though I wish I wasn't. Well, in looking for local digs to study for comps, I ended up at a Caribou down the road from me. They are open later than the Starbucks, and Graham drops me there when he goes to his evening class on Mon and Wed. Well, I have found my new coffee shop home. I actually prefer it to the other Starbucks' in the area. They have many comfy chairs to choose form - and.....if I am lucky enough I get the sofa by the fireplace with the footrest shaped like a bear!

I am starting to feel quite at home there. However, it is probably a good thing I can't ride my bike there - else I would spend too much money on lattes!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the doves are back! and so am I!!

I only have a moment to post - but I wanted to mention a few things. After a difficult winter season, spring has sprung and new opportunities are blooming all over.

I have left my job and am working full time on finishing my MA in History. I just have to take the comprehensive exams. I am then entering Loyola University Chicago in the fall to pursue an MA in Pastoral Counseling, so I can work towards seeing my goal of working with women in crisis actually materialize. I have exciting ideas about developing holistic therapy for women, incorporating art, music, journaling, crafts, etc.....


And in news relating to my silenced dove - last summer, I only ever saw two doves, when the one was killed. We now seem to have a number of dove families living in the treets surrounding our apartment. Their songs bring me much joy and feelings of rebirth and renewal.

I plan on blogging a little bit more - as I have a little more time and so much going on!

Happy Day!