Friday, July 13, 2007

oh the humanity

You know a book is going to be pretty trashy when a picture of the author fills the entire back cover with some Joan Collins wanna-be glamour shot.

I have no idea why, but ever since I saw Tina Brown, a gossip rag editor, on Larry King a few weeks ago I have had this curious desire to read her book on Princess Diana. I can't explain it. The whole idea of royalty repulses me, and the circus surrounding Diana, in life and in death, was ridiculous. However, I found myself browsing the books at Borders the other day and felt compelled to read it as a down time book over the next few days, while I gear up for exam number three.

So, Tina Brown is no pulitzer prize winning journalist - but I find myself in the grips of this tome on royalty, aristocracy, infidelity, gossip, etc.....I am not sure what the appeal is - and I am still not sure why I am reading it. If I ever figure it out, I will let you know.

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