Monday, November 26, 2007

all finished!

Today, I completed two projects...

1. While I was on the way to Kansas, I was able to knit in the car. This was a miracle! So, I was able to finish the pair of legwarmers for Sarah! I tucked in the yarn ends this evening and will be giving them to her tomorrow!

2. I finished my big research paper on Feminist Psychological Theory and Therapy. I read way more than necessary in preparation, but better that than not enough. I am relieved it is finally finished. It has been hanging over my head all semester.

In addition to this news - I finally was given an invitation to join which is a fabulous online knitting community. I found a fantastic MST3K pattern and plan to make a hat or a bag with it. I am not sure yet. It is intarsia, not fair isle, so I am unsure of my abiity to perform. Ugh.

I am glad to be home from Kansas. I think Graham is the only human being I can be around non-stop for days and not tire of. Other people? Not so much. It was nice to have a day to myself today. Tomorrow, back to the grind at week is the last week. Now that the big paper is finished, I only have a couple smaller writing projects and a presentation to do.

Break will be here soon - but that only means I will be prepping for my 3rd MA exam....crikey. I will be sure to set aside SOME knitting time!

1 comment:

RuthG said...

Wow--those leg warmers are impressive! Great job. I'm glad you were able to knit in the car. I can imagine how nice it was to get home too--exactly how I used to feel. :-)

Congrats on getting that mongo paper done too! Glad it's downhill from here.