Thursday, July 03, 2008


The mid-late 90's were a good time for, good friends, England and a lot of fantastic music. Britpop was at it's peak and while I was quite the Oasis fanatic, Pulp probably remains closest to my heart. Different Class still feels fresh and vibrant to me. I have been listening to it a lot lately. It reminds of so many wonderful times - but one that stands out to me is working in the darkroom, dancing and singing while printing photos from my UK football (soccer) excursions.....not to mention dancing at the clubs on Whitworth Street in Manchester. Good times.

stomach in.

chest out.

or yr marks.

get set.


Okay, I can't get away from this without a little Oasis. Now, this isn't a band I pull out very often anymore, but once upon a time it was the main thing in my CD player. I love the early videos. The Gallaghers are just SO Manchester....the hair, the clothes, the swagger.....sorry to say that after their first 2 LPs and the B-sides from the same time, Oasis just went to shit. But for a shining moment - this was it.

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