Friday, September 28, 2007

speak your mind, even if your voice shakes

We were called by both Governor Blagojevich's office and Senator Durbin's office and have been invited to give a statement and participate in a press conference tomorrow with the Senator and Rep. Emmanuel regarding the SCHIP program and promote health care for our nation's children!

We are going to craft our statement tonight.

We got in this position because I wrote a letter to the governor a couple months back, thanking him for his support of the All Kids Health Care program and told him Emily's story. Graham said, "wow, it's nice to know someone is reading those letters you send!"

I can tell you this much - our representative (Peter Roskam) would never in a million years invite us to anything, nor has he (so much for those open town hall meetings he has touted on national radio)....I guess protesting the war outside of his office doesn't endear us to him - nor all of the angry letters.

I am really excited to be invited to this - but also really nervous - wow.

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