Friday, November 09, 2007

catching up.....

October was a busy month! My classes are moving along. I finished a rather heavy assignment of writing a genealogical / analytical paper on my family's behavioral and emotional patterns. It was a long project, though fascinating. I am grateful for my parents being open to my questions and inquiries. I am now swamped with a term paper on feminist/cultural theories and psychotherapy. I have a gazillion smaller projects in the works as well. I am looking forward to Christmas break, though will be swamped with prep for my last MA exam in Cuban History - as mentioned before. So, not much of a break.

I am planning to be headed to Ft. Benning, GA a week from today for the SOA protest. I met the group I will be traveling with at a planning dinner. They seem like a nice group, and I am eagerly anticipating the trip and the action. I don't think I posted previously that our department (Institute for Pastoral Studies) is paying 100% of our transportation costs. This was fantastic news! We will be driving, and packed into a couple rental cars.

We have been having some pretty significant struggles with E. A couple nights ago we called a crisis counselor into the house, at the suggestion of her regular counselor. I can't disclose details, because of privacy. But, she will now be receiving in-home therapy/counseling and it is all covered by the IL State/Kid Care program. The crisis worker, Graham, and I decided that in-patient care was not necessary at this time - but they have wonderful care and opportunities for us to utilize. After the gentleman left at about midnight, Graham turned to me and said, "is this for real? that was amazing." And we both were so grateful for the care but also dismayed that it is care like this that the opponents of S-CHIP funding want to cut. E's care may prevent me from the trip to GA - so we are taking that as it comes. She comes first.

I am looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. The last few weekends Graham and I both have had things to attend. So, I plan on getting some reading and writing done. I will also be finishing an afghan I have been working on since September. I finished knitting it yesterday, and will be attaching the panels this weekend. I hope to have it shipped off to my cousin within the next week. It is so lovely - made from very soft Peruvian alpaca wool. I will post a picture of it when I get a chance.

I have started working on the fair isle legwarmers for my friend Sarah, and even went to a yarn shop for pointers. I will be picking those back up this weekend as well.

I have decided not to seek out a clinical internship with the YWCA in Chicago after becoming really disenchanted with their staff. As a volunteer victim advocate, I am really dismayed by their lack of organization and respect. I was also quite frustrated with the attitude of a lot of the women present at the staff in-service last week. The bitter, self-righteousness and lack of empathy for people surrounding the clients was disgusting. It doesn't appear to be a very nurturing environment. The YWCA in St. Louis was another story altogether. I loved working with them and wish I could do my clinical work there. It is that work that brought me to the point I am at today, in school. So, I am wide open as far as internships. We will be doing some site visits within the upcoming months. I am open to diverse ideas and places. So, we will see what comes of it.

Ultrasound on Monday - I have done a pretty good job of keeping my mind distracted and busy. Any news will be posted.


1 comment:

RuthG said...

I'm SO glad you got such wonderful help with E.! It's a relief to have support . . . but of course it doesn't solve the problems magically. I'll be praying that you can still go to SOAW.