In many traditions the color blue represents truth. Therefore, when the color blue is worn around the neck, it represents the speaking of truth.
The word for truth in Hebrew is "emet" which is what I have named this scarf. I have stitched in the word "emet" into the scarf in Hebrew script.
I would like to start a revolution and get the world to wear blue and speak truth!
You don't have to use Hebrew. You don't have to put any lettering on the scarf. I plan on making some without lettering and I would also like to make some using Arabic, Russian, etc.....
I am still thinking of a way to perk up the design and will be experimenting with different yarns.
If you have seen this post, and are going to make an Emet Scarf - or just a blue truth scarf in any language, or with no language......please contact me. I am hoping to get a website up about my project and keep track of people making these, in the name of truth, love and peace.
1 comment:
Very cool idea!
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