Friday, March 21, 2008

date set

I finally have a date for my MA defense in History. April 18th. I will have to drive down on the 17th immediately after class, sleep, get up, go to the defense, and then drive back home. I have a wedding to go to in chicago on the 19th. So, my hopes for some time in STL have been dashed. I am really discouraged that I am doing the defense so late. I have three big papers due the same week I am doing the defense. The professors were pretty grumpy about picking another date. So, this is it. I had asked in January to do it in early March, around the time of spring break, or sooner......but the chair on my committee totally dragged his feet.

I ordered my graduation announcements and my cap and gown - so, I need to just do it, get it over with and trust that everything will be okay.

I am going to try and have some of these big papers done early......but, I am a master, we'll see. I am already tense about it all.


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