Friday, March 07, 2008

who woulda thought?

Okay, so this morning I agreed to do something I am not quite sure is possible. I agreed to participate in a women's triathlon this summer. Okay, it's not Ironman or anything, I know for a fact I would NEVER be able to do that. I initially laughed at the idea, thinking, "no way!" But after looking at the course, it seems quite doable. It is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile jog. It is being held near Kenosha, WI this July. I can easily swim a 1/2 mile, even if I can't do it quickly. I used to bike twice that distance when I was riding a lot.....running? Now there's the big challenge. I am a terrible runner with my crooked ankles and bad knee. However, with all the time I have spent at the gym, I think I could give it a go. My friend Nicky, who told me about it, and has been encouraging me, says you can even walk the running part.

While people do race for prizes, etc....a lot of people do it just to do it. I loved hearing her story about how her family got into it. She does it with her mom, aunts and friends. We are trying to get a group together.

I am excited and can't wait to hit the gym again with this in mind. I will do my best to update my progress as the event approaches. I have a lot of weight to lose and a big goal in sight...... here's to hoping.

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